Fillers Treatment
Sooner or later, signs of ageing creep up on everybody. However, these fine lines, wrinkles and crumples become especially unwelcome, when they take away the radiance and beauty from the face. The face loses its expressiveness and people tend to look angry or grumpy all the time. This has a negative impact on the psyche as well. Restoring a youthful appearance can do wonders for self-confidence, and revitalize you, not just physically, but emotionally as well.
Under the expert supervision of ace cosmetic and plastic surgeon Dr. Vivek Kumar, fillers treatment in Delhi has restored beauty and vitality to many satisfied clients. The commonest problem areas that are effectively treated using fillers are:
- Crow’s feet around the eyes
- Deep frown lines
- Lines between the eyebrows
- Dipped scars
- Creases running from the nose to the curves of the mouth
Fillers treatment in India is a painless, safe and fast process, involving the injection of protein compounds. It tightens up the facial muscles and makes the skin look polished and smooth. Lips are plumped to give a fuller appearance and to remove fine lines around them. Now when you smile, you don’t have to worry about those annoying laugh lines, and as for frowning- well now there won’t be any reason to frown!