Breast Augmentation By Fat Grafting

Removing fat from undesirable areas and using it to enhance the breasts- this is what is called a win-win situation!

A woman’s figure is shaped and contoured by the breasts. The size, shape and symmetry of the breasts can greatly affect the attractiveness and appeal of the body. There are many women who suffer from lack of confidence even when they are healthy, because of their dissatisfaction with their bodies, which can even lead to depression.

Breast augmentation in delhi

Now, there is no need to despair. Breast augmentation by fat grafting is an innovative method of reshaping and enhancing the breast tissue, which improves the aesthetics, fills out the figure and gives a boost to self-confidence. According to Dr. Vivek Kumar, a leading breast augmentation surgeon in India, this procedure is less invasive and more subtle than breast implants. This procedure is especially suitable for ladies wishing to improve the shape and symmetry of their breasts, without a very drastic increase in the size.


Fat grafting involves two procedures- liposuction to collect the fat, and insertion of the fat into the breasts.

  • Liposuction: A vacuum cannula is used to suck out fat from undesirable areas like belly, thighs, buttocks, thighs or knees. The collected fat is purified and centrifuged.
  • Fat transfer: Small cannulas are used to inject the fat into the breasts.


Duration of Procedure:2-4 hours
Recovery time:1 week
Post-op care:Liposuction site needs to be kept clean; pressure garments may be prescribed. Breasts are covered with gauze after the injection.
Precautions:Patient can go home immediately after the procedure. Rest and relaxation is advised for around a week before resuming work.
Ideal candidate:Those who have undergone a lumpectomy or have lopsided breasts. Since large amounts of fat are required, women having significant fat deposits in undesirable areas see better results.
Complications:Calcification, reabsorption of fat cells by the body and infection.
Result:Natural looking, firmer breasts with a modest increase in size.

Contact us to consult with an experienced and skilled breast augmentation surgeon in Delhi for the best results and renewed self-confidence.