Botox Treatment

Botox Treatment

Want to look younger, but scared of surgery? Botox is here to the rescue. Hailed as a miracle, a panacea and even an elixir, Botox helps to keep the signs of ageing away and lets you look as young as you feel.

Botox is the trade name of Botulinum toxin. It has a number of medical and cosmetic uses. It is used as an injection to remove wrinkles, frown lines and crow’s feet around the eyes. It also helps people who sweat too much in reducing perspiration.

Botox treatment in India is safe and non-invasive, and under the expert guidance of Dr. Vivek Kumar, it can enhance your beauty and take the years off effortlessly. The number of injections needed depends on the skin type and is determined by Dr. Kumar at the time of consultation. The effects are visible within a day or two, and clients often feel as if their wrinkles just got ironed out into smooth perfection.

Dr. Vivek Kumar also uses Botox treatment in Delhi to help patients suffering from muscle spasms and migraine. The non-surgical, safe and fast nature of this treatment makes it the ideal choice for those apprehensive of surgery and prolonged recovery times.